Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Lioness of Judah

In Memory of Mary Magdalene, Apostola Apostolorum
For all women and all who walk in the calling of their spiritual office without apology, rebuking the false prophecy of how the move of God is quenched by estrogen…

Overall, you are sweet. You give freely of your time and resources. But I have seen your jagged edges… they are quick to scathe if one does not take notice to translate the space between each word you utter. In between, I heard the roll of your low boil anger when you said, “You like using big words, huh?” Nothing primes you for irritation like the chalk board scratch of a “side piece," a rib speaking beyond your worldly and spiritual awareness. A penis ALWAYS qualifies you as the infantry; a vagina ONLY qualifies me as support personnel. Therefore, I’ve refused your invitations to labor after what you would call “the good fight” because busy work bores me. Only a drone would be satisfied with black and white photocopies for education. The truth is…you despise my rebellion. I don’t “get happy” to the status quo. Doing a jig for a co-opted Jesus is spiritually cumbersome to someone who experiences God in the silence that creates the up and down beats.  I am an annoyance to your brand of religion because I see it as just that, a brand. Riddle me this…who will give rise, quicken the leaven in The House of Bread if the Baker resigns? Do you have enough crumbs to satiate the hunger of this female pup or shall I rename myself Naomi and take a sabbatical from the land of my people? My “miss-assignment” has purpose…as an ill fitting shoe, the walk is painful but every heel to toe motion gets me there. Even your disdain works toward the betterment of the whole. ”All things work for good,” no doubt. Humph, maybe you should consider this…the resurrected Christ revealed himself to Mary FIRST; not Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John! Awe, is that an Eve diatribe I hear coming in the midst. Spare me! I assure you that your sex has plenteous representation of tragically flawed biblical characters. Shall I name a few? Nah, let’s not go tit for tat here. I have no true alt with you. The whole would benefit from our respective fields of experience, gleaning from the good in me and gleaning from the good in you to create a more perfect union under OUR God, under OUR faith. So no, I will not enable your bravado and lower my voice to a modest purr. All hail Shekinah, may she glory! I AM WOMAN… 

"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."   ~Galatians 3:28 


Anonymous said...

OK. I'm almost POSITIVE I'm going to get into trouble for saying this BUT, (PLEASE try to forgive my narrow-mindedness...) doesn't the bible support the view of women being viewed as 'support personnel'?
Now before you rip me a new one, I'm not at all suggesting that women aren't every bit as deserving, or capable as men. I'm merely point out that...uh, actually SCRATCH THAT. I'm SUGGESTING that the bible seems to support the view of there being a particular order to things. And while the bible DOES, ABSOLUTELY assign women a tremendous about of value, fact of the matter is this book also deems women to be submissive to men. (Not just ANY Joe Shmo, on the street, mind you. In fact, I think the LACK of a proper masculine figure is responsible for the EXTREMELY POOR choices a lot of women make when choosing a man to whom she submits, but THAT is another conversation all together...) Each gender has their roll, and for women it seems their God given roll is to serve in a 'support' capacity. (NOTE: Support, in the capacity it is used throughout this comment is NOT used to denote 'taking a back seat to'. But rather implies the utilization of your God given abilities to fulfill his purpose for your life, and in capacity that he specifies. (I hope this makes sense.)


Nat Pat said...

You are not in trouble lol! I'm a big girl...I can handle a difference of opinion : ) Well, we shall have to agree to disagree although I appreciate and respect your honest response. There are instances in the bible of women taking the lead...Deborah (judge) and Huldah (prophetess) to name a few (Old Testament figures). Also, there are schools of thought that have surmised that women may have played a more significant leadership role during the early development of Christianity than was once thought (there is a link attached to this post that makes such a hypothesis). Ultimately, I am of the belief that God can choose anyone He would like to lead whether male or female. I am also of the belief that there is much more to God than what has been neatly fashioned in one book (or many books if you want to include other religious text such as the Qur'an). But I will admit I am a bit eccentric in my spiritual beliefs : ) And by the way...never apologize for how you feel. Your truth is just that, yours. Folks can either respect it or keep it movin'! It would be a very bland world without differences; opinion, culture, sex etc. Oh, and yes I do believe in order but I don't believe it should be taken as a hard-fast rule. All in all your argument has me thinking...I haven't changed my mind but I am considering some of your points a little more closely. Ah, I love it when someone can articulate their point well : ) Well, for now I guess I will simply say...TOUCHE'!