A fool to iniquity's mirage
I fall in despair's abyss
Wallowing in the ruins of my soul
I am the devil's imp
A friend to hypocrisy's double tongue
I stand at Satan's foot
Carnal and spirit intertwined
I live as chaos' crook
A valued spoil for Lucifer's claim
I cower at hell's door
Begging for heaven's unfailing grace
I was evil's next score
I called upon the beloved one
Who could season my tears with joy
Cradled in the everlasing
I am sin's imp no more
WOW! I was really digging this one. This piece is about redemption. It also alludes to SELF AWARENESS, as after all this person has done, IN THE END (not sure if that was done intentionally or not, but that in itself is a really DOPE detail... wait until the very END before asking for help. Almost as if it signifies 'the journey' that we ALL go though. Life ONLY TRULY BEGINS once you find yourself... LOVE IT!) they find it necessary to ask for help.
Another hot one, Ms Ma'am...
Well, thank you Mr. Shawn : )
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