Saturday, August 31, 2013

Growing Up, Up on High

An email response I wrote a few months ago...

The more I grow...the more I realize how much more growing I have before me.  I'm learning to see beyond the SEE in at least one area.  I'm more accepting of my human side, acknowledging all emotions and faults as well as glorying in my divine side as a woman created in the image of the Most High.  So in a nutshell I'm enjoying being  dread-locked me :)  

And I'm enjoying the immense freedom that comes with accepting that everyone has a right to live life from their own perspective, their own set of beliefs even if they are in stark contrast to my own...their God given free will is not mine to usurp nor harshly judge.    

The Most High is the only beholder of ultimate truth and I acknowledge that I do indeed "see through a glass darkly."  I am not God.  I'm thankful to the Most High for this lesson...self righteousness (a lack of tolerance towards myself as well as others)  is a sin just like any other.  I've learned that sin is anything that impedes life...the right to joy, live freely, and grow.  It is a challenging lesson but only because of my own resistance to it.  I'm grateful for my pruning :) 

God has allowed me to SEE the imperfect beauty, the human and divine in myself as well as in others.  In this, the Most High reveals the layers within one of the highest commandments, "Love your neighbor as yourself."  So I am loving myself...walking in my own beliefs without apology and respecting others rights to do the same.  I am learning to reverence the Most High's creation with greater degree.

...and the Creator recently brought it to my attention that I gravely needed to review this lesson.  Growth is lifelong and often a cyclical process!

“With humility comes the willingness to stop trying to control or change other people or life situations or events ostensibly 'for their own good'."

 ~David R. Hawkins

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