Monday, July 23, 2012

Prayer of the Black Madonna

    For my first born, Beautiful Light of the Lord
For my second born, One Who Attains God
For my third born, Divine Purpose of Faith 

It is with humble concern and earnest intent that I petition, intercede for my children.  It is clear to me that the principalities, the rulers of this misbegotten world seek to distract and misinform them of who you are…of who they are just as they stand, worthy.  I do not claim to fully understand the height and depth of your greatness.  But your presence is felt.  Your presence is known.  You are my relation and I am yours.  Thank you for a spiritual space with you that I can call my own.  You have called me at a time such as this to rear, to mold, and to give life.  And it is with reverence that I walk in the way of mother and vessel.  I am not perfect but Love indeed has made me whole.  I thank you for renewal and raising my gaze to eternity.  And as the hart panteth so I beseech your care.  

In the name of the one who stood in the balance, I pray that my children go higher.  I pray that they are more spiritually adept than me and their father.  I pray that they are imbued with consciousness that is universal in effect and scope.  I pray that they are endowed with the gift to discern, the ability to divide asunder religiosity from truth.  I pray that my children have a vision of you that is not bound by the assignment of gender.  May they only know you as Spirit, the Cloud and Fire of their days.  Oh my God, my most precious savior may they “live, move, and have their being in you”.  And in a world that forces them to careen violently into experience may they not lose the innocence of joy.  May they never know themselves as separate from you.   May they meditate on you with every breath that they breathe.  And in the circumstances of life that sway them to and fro may they establish an altar in their home and with each eventide cleanse themselves of all negative energy.  May they consecrate themselves with your light.  Almighty One, I pray that in times of trial and despair that they take refuge in your strong tower.   And when the enemy seeks to besiege their soul may they rest in your shadow.  My Love of loves, may they stand and act in their inherited authority, children of the El Elyon.  I pray that my children trust in the guiding powers that you have set before them.  May they acknowledge with gratitude and respect the ancestors and angelic host that guard the gates on their behalf.  I pray that they take hold of their own agency.  There is no mediator between you and them.  They are the only arbiters of their faith.  And may they only be obedient to the call of Spirit, laying aside all attempts to stagnate them with fear and vain tradition even if the culprit is me…from you they came and to you they belong.   May they never put on the cloak of piety to disguise a decrepit heart.  My God, I pray for them to have Power.  I pray for them to be keenly aware of who they are in Heaven’s book.   May they know once again that you are not a subject of contention nor to be intellectualized and reasoned but to be embodied.  My children are wonderfully fashioned in your image so may they live in this thought…I AM.  May they stretch beyond reliance on linear concepts of you and intuit wisdom of the ages.  May their prophetic voices be neither muffled nor muted.  May they speak with the expediency of the one who was sent.  El Shaddai, please fight for them daily against all physical, mental, and spiritual foes.  May they have divine balance, heart and feather set at equilibrium.  Lord of lords, I pray my beloveds sit on the top most branch of life’s tree.  Incline unto me, oh Lord.  I love them; they are the treasure of my soul.  I surrender them to you.

By the power of Jesus, the Messiah…AMEN.

“Your children are not your children.  They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.  They come through you but not from you, and though they are with you yet they belong not to you.  You may give them your love but not your thoughts, for they have their own thoughts.  You may house their bodies but not their souls, for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow…”
~The Prophet, Kahlil Gibran